The Colander Restaurant

The Colander Restaurant

The Colander Restaurant is a family restaurant with a rich history in Trail, BC, that has been owned and operated by the LeRose family since its inception in 1972. The Colander Restaurant specializes in home style Italian cuisine but also offers a wide variety of other dishes for dinner and lunch. The restaurant has an open, casual atmosphere that lends itself to large parties and intimate dining experiences and with their Colander Special, they’ve been a Trail tradition for years.

web & content solutions provided…

Click on the title of a toggle box below to view the website & content solutions provided for this project.

Wally Soukoroff
  • Client Relations
  • Project Manager
  • Creative Director
  • Graphic Design Specialist
  • Website Design Specialist
  • Website Development Specialist
  • Digital Photo Specialist
  • Website Maintenance & Support Specialist
Website Necessities
  • ProCreative Basic Hosting Package (current)
  • Hosting Account Creation & Setup
  • Email Accounts Creation & Setup
  • MySql Database Creation & Setup
  • Google Services Accounts Setup
Website Strategy & Design
  • Website Structure Creation
  • Premium Theme Selection for WordPress
  • Premium Theme Design Layouts
Website Development & Functionality
  • WordPress Install & Setup
  • Premium Theme Purchase, Install, Setup & Code Customization
  • Responsive Design
  • Multiple Category Blog Setup
  • Multiple Blog Posts Data Entry
  • jQuery Animated Content Images
  • Premium Web Form Creation Functionality
  • Contact Form Creation & Setup
  • Premium Website Security & Firewall Functionality
  • Premium Website Backup Functionality
  • Advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Advanced SEO Meta Data Entry
  • Social Media Links Integration
  • Social Media Sharing Enabled
  • Google Verification & Analytics Integration
  • Google XML Sitemap
  • Anti-Spam Enabled
  • Website Speed Boost Enabled
Website Maintenance & Support
  • ProCreative Maintenance Web Support Package (current)
  • Social Media Account Management (Facebook)
  • Online Continuity Service
Brand/Graphic Design
  • Logo Refinement & Optimization
Digital Photo/Imagery
  • Digital Brand/Product Photography
  • Digital Stock Photo Acquisition
  • Digital Photo Processing/Colour Correction/Sizing
  • Digital Photo Website Optimization
Text Copy Creation/Refinement
  • Text Copy Proofreading (Website)
  • Text Copy Editing/Rewriting (Website)